Peek-a-Boo Purr Pods
Updated: Oct 14, 2021
December 20, 2020
Installed the remaining Peek-a-Boo Purr Pods up on our roof. I love to see the colorful cat heads peering out at the neighbors passing by.
We added single solar lights inside which work well provided the winter sun can reach them. Then Will added an additional color changing light (like the ones we use to light up the big kitties) to wash over the cats. Looks great!!!

October 20, 2020
Took a much needed road trip in my beloved VW Bus, Miss Zora, to deliver a couple of the Peek-a-Boo Purr Pods to their new homes once I knew that Bristol Boo was shipped and on her way to Ashton Court.
One kitty went to my friend Zach's place in Grass Valley called Crazytown. The sculpture will be mounted above a shack that overlooks "The Beach", complete with a boat! AND we're going to install Stardust near the pool so we'll get really lovely reflections of the fiber optics.
The other kitty was delivered to Reno. It will live with its new owner's partner while she's living in Germany for the next year. Meowzers!
Another kitty heads to Los Angeles today. I was going to drive it down on another road trip to deliver it to my husband's aunt and uncle. We got a phone call from our uncle mentioning that he's going a little stir crazy from sheltering in place and wanted to drive up to pick it up himself. Can't say I blame him! :D


Thank mew to all the kitty lovers who ordered a Peek-a-Boo Purr Pod!
Meeeeeowwww! This whole project turned out better than I imagined! I got more orders than I expected and the colors are gorgeous! I may have to do this again. >^..^<

So many ideas!!! I have some smaller kitties in the works but in order to move forward with prototyping them, I need to bring in a little income. So, I'm making a few Peek-a-Boo Purr Pods to sell!

Peek-a-Boo Purr Pod
“What’s that in your garden?! Over there!!
There’s a giant cat peeking up at me. How cute!!!”
Well, that’s the conversation in my head. But still!
Imagine a sweet kitty face (ears, nose, cheeks and eyes (created with negative space)) emerging from your garden, or hanging out on your roof, or even - and go with me here! - mounted to the top of your car!

The sculpture is created from the actual form I use to sculpt my big kitties, the Purr Pods.
Each head is hand-built over the top of the form and has it’s own unique pattern of metal, welded rings.

The sculptures cast gorgeous shadows from sun during the day and landscape lights at night.
Order now! I can build 3 to 4 right now (Late June/Early July 2020).
The form is built, I have a shop.
Once I’m done with my current project (Cat #5 for We Are From Dust), the form will be disassembled and put into storage. Cat heads will cost a lot more if I have to re-assemble the form. Just saying. >^..^<
Base Price $700 Deposit $350
Local Pick Up $ 0
Delivery Let’s chat!
Color $300 +
Mild steel, square tubing rings, MIG welded together to create the shape.
A typical Peek-a-Boo Purr Pod is approximately 36” W x 36” L x 21” H and weighs about 40lbs.
Raw - Free
It will rust but you have the option to paint (with a rust resistant outdoor paint) and seal it yourself!
Powder Coated - Price Varies, min. $300 additional cost
Choose from a wide variety of standard and specialty colors.
Powder coating will help the sculpture last for years.
Price depends on color and availability.
Cardinal Paint
Tiger Drylac
Prismatic Powders
Friends and family discounts available! Thank mew!!!