PSPH/We Are From Dust
Updated: Aug 14, 2021
The process of preparing Vega and Luna to live outside for the next year adjacent to the San Pablo Bay has been more than challenging. The lights I had used to radically illuminate the cats at Burning Man were not mine to keep so we decided to use programmable 10W outdoor LED landscape lights. The folks at Point San Pablo Harbor (PSPH) enjoy their night skies so we chose to only use two per cat.
We - and when I say "we" I mean my husband, Will! - chose to reduce the power (they will be running on solar power) required to light the sculptures and make them purr. In addition to fewer lights, we changed our controllers and sound cards to ones that use less power.
I spent several days running wires tucked into wire loom and hand-tying everything along the curves of the rings with matching color 24 gauge floral wire - again! But it looks nice! We ran into issues with the lights flashing during a color cycle. Figured out that the charger was creating noise in the wires. Took weeks of changing parts to figure out. Shit! But, in theory, the charger won't be running while the lights are on. It will be dark, the solar panels should have the battery charged and the lights run off of the battery. In theory.
Weeks of frustration and hard work are close to paying off! We hope to have the cats installed after Thanksgiving - right when it starts to rain. :D We Are From Dust has been so supportive and are eager to have the Purr Pods out for everyone to enjoy. Public art is important! Here's a quick list of benefits! - Economic Growth and Sustainability - Attachment and Cultural Identity - Artists as Contributors - Social Cohesion and Cultural Understanding - Public Health and Belonging
Consider making a donation to the arts!
Thank mew! >^..^<