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Purrsonal Purr Pod

Writer's picture: travelchick64travelchick64

Updated: Dec 20, 2020

December 20, 2020

Since 2020 is such a dumpster fire, you just have to find joy where you can!

My friends turned their Purrsonal Purr Pod into a candy chute for Halloween and we got to participate - COVID safety measures in place!!!


My dream of creating a Purr Pod for folks outside of Burning Man is coming true! My friends fell in love with the kitties that were heading out to the desert in 2019 and commissioned me to make one for their new home. I had about a month left at the shop I had used to create the original sculptures and I busted butt with the help of my friends, Wes and Mercy. We built a new form, covered it with chicken wire and drywall papier-mâché. I spent hours laying out the patterns with the metal rings and Wes welded them into place.

We were able to finish the welded layout but ran out of time at the shop. For ease of storage, we cut the cat off the form and carted the pieces to my house until another shop could be found. I was able to wrap the form under a tarp and tuck it into a side yard by the original shop. I have plans to make at least two more off of this form!

Over the next couple of months, Wes set up a new shop nearby and we were able to finish welding what we're calling Cat #4. The next day, one of the new owners came to check it out and help us loaded it into a trailer and bring it to the powder coaters.

When this cat is done, it will be International Orange - the same color as the Golden Gate Bridge! - and live a most interesting life on the top of a flat-roofed garage in Oakland.


Meowzers! This kitty is gorgeous!

We were super careful about our interactions with each other and other folks every place we went when we loaded and delivered this beautiful cat.

I wouldn't say the sculpture is essential in the strictest sense but art is important, especially at this time in history. The new owners are thrilled and the sculpture will remain in their front yard for the duration of our COVID-19 time.

Meow photos here!


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